
speaker Micro Labcave Games: Getting Your Game Noticed by Publishers: A Guide for Mobile Game Developers

Labcave Games: Getting Your Game Noticed by Publishers: A Guide for Mobile Game Developers

Date : Friday, November 3rd - 11.00 - 11.30 >

Description:As a game developer, one of the biggest challenges you'll face is getting your game noticed by publishers. With so many games being released every day, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and get the attention you deserve. In this presentation, Jami Wardman, COO at Lab Cave, will provide some tips and strategies for getting your game noticed by publishers, both at conferences and through digital channels. Specifically, Jami will discuss how to craft your elevator pitch and how to adjust your messaging for a conference setting. Additionally, Jami will add advise for cold reach outs via email and general pitfall to avoid.
Intended audience: While everyone can brush up on their pitching technique, this talk will be more geared towards those entering the market and those who have a game and are looking for guidance on pitching.
Key takeaways: Session attendees will hear from the "other side." What does the person on the other side of the meeting need from you and what pressures can you alleviate by knowing how to give them the tools to pitch your game internally? How to show the strength of your game without too much detail and when to elaborate?


Jami Wardman