
speaker Micro The 4 Winds Entertainment | IGDA: Improving Game Credits at Your Studio

The 4 Winds Entertainment | IGDA: Improving Game Credits at Your Studio

Date : Thursday, November 2nd - 13.00 - 13.30 >

Description: Game accreditation is a pain point for the games industry, but what can someone actually do about it? This lecture presents frameworks for credit development, code, implementation, and policy that the IGDA Game Credits SIG volunteers have discussed, vetted, and can describe have worked at other studios.
Intended audience: This is for anyone interested in influencing their internal company accreditation policy that do not feel like they understand the problem sets—though all will be able to benefit from this conversation.
  Key Takeaways: Attendees will be armed with a plan and action items they can take back to their studios to open informed discussions about their studios game accreditation policies. Additionally, they will be pointed to policy, design, and coding resources to help kick off development.    


Nazih Fares