
speaker Micro 区块链游戏联盟:Web3与游戏融合:区块链如何重塑游戏的未来
Web3 专家座谈

Date : 11月2日,星期四 - 14.30 - 15.30 >

Description: The gaming landscape is undergoing a transformational shift, propelled by the integration of Web3 technologies and blockchain innovation. This panel brings together visionary experts and thought leaders at the crossroads of technology and entertainment to explore the profound impact of Web3 and blockchain on the future of gaming.
Intended audience: Game developers and studio representatives would be highly interested in learning about the integration of blockchain technology into gaming. They would want to explore the possibilities of creating new types of games, understanding how blockchain can streamline development, and discovering innovative business models that can be applied to their projects. Executives, marketers, and managers within established gaming companies would be intrigued by the potential market shifts and opportunities presented by blockchain integration. They would want to stay informed about industry developments that could impact their strategies.
Key takeaways: The session aims to provide a roadmap of the future trends in gaming and how the integration of blockchain technology is creating new opportunities for game developers, players, and the industry as a whole. Attendees will learn about potential market shifts, new business models, and innovative ways to engage with gaming communities.


Flavien Defraire Charbit Benjamin (Life Beyond) Christina Macedo (Ready Games) Sami Chlagou (Cross the Ages)